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domingo, 6 de julio de 2008

How to play brizka/ Cómo jugar Brizka


The objective is to get more tan 60 points to win a game.

Each player gets 6 cards.

Start is random first time, and then the game winner starts the next.

You win a hand when:

  • You played a triumph card against a non triumph card.
  • You played first and the other player´s answer is a card of another figure (but not triumph).
  • The relevance of your card is higher (cards with the same figure).


The relevance of the cards and their value is as follows:

1(ace)- 11 pts.

3- 10 pts.

12(k)- 4 pts.

11(q)- 3 pts.

10(j)- 2 pts.

For the rest of the cards there are no points, but are relevant in descending order (a 9 is more relevant than a 2).

After each hand, players must get a card from the bunch. The hand winner gets it first.

There is a triumph card collection represented by the figure of the card shown at the bottom of the bunch of cards. A triumph card is more relevant than the others.

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